Rain has delayed us many times. We are almost ready to put on the sheathing but took a break for my high school reunion and a visit to my sister and brother-in-law. The 2×4 overhangs and 2×4 side fascia are painted and installed. The 2×6 gable fascias are painted and ready for installation.
The 1900 house was built with boards on the roof instead of OSB or plywood and the lines of joining show below the exterior exposed truss extensions. We wanted that look for the garage so Steven routed ‘grooves’ in sheets of plywood to give the look of boards in the exposed soffit area. He routed 11 sheets of 4 X 8 plywood.
Driveway completed almost to street
All trussed up
We got all 13 trusses in place! Definitely a learning experience but it definitely can be done by 2 people with ingenuity.
Getting Trussed
1st truss
Steven trimmed the truss to fit the top plate and we now have one truss in place. Then we went to a potluck picnic where only three other people other than us showed up!